The Roundabout At The Next Crossroad
In this series, I speak to the conflict between freedom and equality, a classic question posed by Western philosophy, in which these concepts are diametrically opposed. The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. On one hand, any attempts to create equality will result in the subjugation of people who have advantages over others. On the other, the pursuit of freedom can also lead to social disparities. How society balances freedom and equality is not clear or straightforward; everyone has a different concept of an ideal society.
When people give up freedom, it is never because they love tyranny, but because they love more than just themselves and believe there’s a higher good, such as equality and justice, that are worth making sacrifices for. Overthrowing an authoritarian government requires only the overthrow of a ruling party, while maintaining social stability requires restraint from all sides. Changing a society without causing its collapse is a slow, step-by-step process, and includes its share of trial and failure.
Both freedom and equality are core values that must be upheld in order to have any semblance of democracy. The pursuit of either extreme doesn't help society; we must find a reasonable balance. I hope my work will make people step back and think about changes that are best for different societies. Finding suitable paths for their people requires thoughtful deliberation and compromise.